David Wilson


David Wilson lives and works in Vancouver, BC. As a studio painter, he incorporates various mediums and tools into his practice in order to create his colorful urban and rural landscapes. Wilson’s practice utilizes representational subjects as a jumping off point to explore the abstractions found within given compositions. Brushes, scrapers, rags, pencils, crayons, spray cans and various other mark making tools are used to apply a variety of mediums to either canvas or board. Each painting comprises numerous layers that may or may not eliminate evidence of preceding layers. Some of these layers may also include text and symbols which are exposed to varying degrees of visibility and exist as additional indications of his intent.

Wilson combines his painting skills with studies at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in Vancouver, BC and works full time at his studio in East Vancouver. Over the past 20 years his work has been collected both nationally and internationally through an extensive exhibition history of both solo and group exhibitions.

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